
AGM Minutes and Annual Reports

A compilation of the Association’s AGM minutes and annual reports since 2007.

Regular Publications

  1. Singapore Libraries Bulletin
  2. Singapore Journal of Library & Information Management

Ad-hoc Publications (Recent)

  1. Library Association of Singapore (2020). The LAS & PPM presidents’ journey: Celebrating 65 years of librarianship (1955-2020). Singapore: Library Association of Singapore. (e-book)
  2. Chin, C. Y., Munoo, R., & Persatuan Perpustakaan. (2013). In 99 words: Stories librarians tell. Singapore: Library Association of Singapore (locate a copy)
  3. Yeo, P. P., Kua, L., Kennedy, J. P., & Library Association of Singapore. (2006). Directory of libraries and information centres in Singapore 2006. Singapore: Library Association of Singapore (locate a copy)
  4. Tan, J., Foo, S. C., Low, E. S., & Library Association of Singapore. (2005). Collective memories: 50 years of librarianship : in commemoration of LAS/PPM golden jubilee (1955-2005). Singapore: Library Association of Singapore (locate a copy)

(A fuller list of publications is available here)

Ad-hoc Reports

CISPIN Report-1-R of the Committee on Information Studies Programmes and Industry Needs