Call For Submission July 2015

Dear members,

Application for Practicing Professional (PP) under the LAS Professional Development Scheme (PDS) is now open. Successful applicants will qualify as PP for the period of 1 July 2015 to 31 June 2017. Please submit your application if your PP status has expired since Dec 2015 or if you are a new applicant.

The closing date of application is 6 Jul 2015.

The Revised scheme

Just a reminder that we had revised the PDS since Jan 2015 to make it simpler for you to document your professional development activities. Instead of calculating points for activities, you now only need to count the number of activities you are engaged in during the same 2-year period – in this case from 1 Jul 2013 to 30 Jun 2015.

To qualify for the Practising Professional (PP) award under the Revised PDS, you need to fulfil ALL the following conditions:

  • Engage in at least 12 professional development activities in the 2-year qualification period.
  • Engage in activities from minimum of 3 out of 4 groups (A, B, C & D)
  • At least 2 of these activities must be from Group A (Compulsory group)

Download the PDS Activity Form here:  PDS Form 2015. This form can be used for January and July’s submission.