Free Book Chapters on Information Literacy, Research Support and Information Behaviour

In conjunction with the Librarian’s Information Literacy Conference (LILAC) 2016, Facet Publishing has released 6 free chapters from Facet books on information literacy, research support and the information behaviour.

1. Developing a Metaliteracy Framework to Promote Metacognitive Learning

Taken from Thomas P Mackey and Trudi E Jacobson’s 2014 book Metaliteracy. In the book, the authors present a comprehensive framework for information literacy that unifies related literacies to advance critical thinking and metacognitive learning. The chapter examines the metaliteracy framework and investigates how the authors arrived at this expanded conception of information literacy. Read the chapter.

2. Places and spaces

Taken from Practical Tips for Facilitating Research by Moira Bent. The chapter suggests ways to attract researchers into the library building as well as ideas for librarians to reach out, both physically and virtually, to the research community. It contains examples from the libraries around the world including Liverpool John Moores University, University of Cape Town, Duke University, University of Western Australia and Helsinki University. Read the chapter.

3. Training and Infrastructure

Taken from Starr Hoffman’s edited collection, Dynamic Research Support for Academic Librariesdescribes her vision for supporting research. This vision encourages academic librarians to partner with students and faculty to provide a holistic suite of research and instructional services. In this context, ‘research support’ can refer to anything that a library does that supports the activity of scholarship and research at its parent institution. Read the chapter

4. What is information behaviour and why do we need to know about it?

Taken from Nigel Ford’s Introduction to Information Behaviour. The chapter looks at some the basic concepts and definitions of information behaviourRead the chapter.




5. Major research paradigms

Taken from the second edition of Alison Jane Pickard’s Research Methods in InformationThe chapter provides a discussion of three major research paradigms in the fields of information, communication and related disciplines: positivism, postpositivism and interpretivismRead the chapter.


6. Transition from school to higher education

Taken from Jane Secker and Emma Coonan’s edited collection Rethinking Information Literacy.  This chapter focuses on students transition from school to higher education – a perfect time to engage them in their own learning process by giving them a vocabulary and analytic structure through which to address the significant changes in expectations, teaching styles and attitudes to learning that occur at this point. Read the chapter.