This morning, I had the opportunity to hear Lucie Burgess (from the British Library) at the National Library Board (NLB) – she shared with the audience her topic “Contents in the Cloud – Contextual Collections, Coloassal Collaboration, Curious Connections.”
We also had some visitors from the National Library of Indonesia joining us for the occasion and this event’s invitation was also extended to LAS members.
Lucie highlighted various examples of Libraries making use of the Cloud and also shared what BL has done in their experiments with using the Cloud. She also introduced to us the term “Cloud Culture” which was coined by Charles Leadbeater (if you are interested some of his points are covered in this pdf at counterpoint UK – Link)
She also highlighted the usefulness of Semantic Search for better contextual search results and making use of linked open data. Some interesting projects for you to explore are:
HistoryPin – a way for millions of people to come together to share glimpses of the past and build up the story of human history.
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) – an open and collaborative community that constantly seeks input from any and all interested in its work.
UK Soundmap – a nationwide sound map, invitng people to record the sounds of their environment, be it at home, work or play.
BL Georeferencer – inviting people to help identify old maps and matching to Google Earth images – creating a connection between the past maps with current images.
Harvard ShelfLife (now called StackLife) – a new way to browse the Harvard Library Collection.
Google Cultural Institute – which allows the linking of many musuems exhibits and collections all around the world and allows users to create their own galleries.
If you have any other news to share please let us know at