Marketing NTU Library to Generation Y

The Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Library decided to kick start the new academic year with a big bang. A variety of promotional materials were lined up to welcome the freshmen, from 31 July to 11 August 2006. The Library Student Orientation Committee 2006 was formed to oversee this marketing project.

As we are all well aware these days, one of the main problems faced by librarians is how to attract ‘youngsters’ into their libraries. Hence, the challenge is to effectively market the library, so that it is attractive enough for the students. To start the ball rolling, NTU freshmen were greeted by their subject librarians in their individual school orientation programmes during the first week of orientation. A funky flash commercial was presented to the students to promote the library resources and librarians. This was effectively executed with the upbeat commercial designed by a NTU student from the Arts, Design and Media School, with the intention of reaching out to the ‘Generation Y’ students. Reports from the subject librarians have proven that the commercial was well-received by the freshmen, who have a newly-associated and relatively different outlook of the NTU Library.

In addition, the committee decided to create postcards, featuring our librarians, for distribution. Banners, created in line with the postcards and commercial theme: Lost for Info? Ask Us, were also erected up around the campus, to promote the library. In order to make these materials connect with the targeted audience, the committee once again employed NTU students to design them. This was to ensure that our publicity materials catered to the taste of the ‘Generation Y’, hence successfully creating library awareness within this group of users.

The end result was a big hit with the students. Not only did the materials catch their attention, but it also projected the library in a new light. The materials were funky enough for the students, yet not losing the intention of projecting our librarians as professionals. Students were pleasantly surprised by the retro design of the postcards, and also found the simple yet effective contacts information on the postcards helpful. The banners also proved to be effective, with students actually recognising the librarians featured!

All the subject librarians also joined in the fun, as a round of photo shoots were conducted in order to exhibit them to our users. During the shooting, subject librarians were grouped according to their area of subject, hence creating a series of subject clusters group photos. In order to make these clusters’ picture interesting, we decided to have a more relaxed and friendly photo concept, rather than the normal corporate and stiff group shots concept. We employed the usage of props to represent each subject clusters, and also came out with a colour theme for each clusters. The result was a fresh, clean and friendly presentation of all the subject librarians.

All the subject librarians also joined in the fun, as a round of photo shoots were conducted in order to exhibit them to our users. During the shooting, subject librarians were grouped according to their area of subject, hence creating a series of subject clusters group photos. In order to make these clusters’ picture interesting, we decided to have a more relaxed and friendly photo concept, rather than the normal corporate and stiff group shots concept. We employed the usage of props to represent each subject clusters, and also came out with a colour theme for each clusters. The result was a fresh, clean and friendly presentation of all the subject librarians.

Also, instead of the usual gifts that we normally give out to students such as pens or post-it notes, we decided to team up with a corporate sponsor, Brands Chicken Essence this year. This was to tap on the corporate image of the latest Brands commercial that advertised a student studying effectively in a library because they consume Brands Chicken Essence. Making use of the fact that Brands had already advertised widely on television, we decided to bring this concept to life by having our students receive bottles of Chicken Essence when participating in the various activities that we held. The committee also successfully encouraged participation in our orientation activities by having major prizes such as an Acer PDA or Brand’s hampers. This strategy attracted the freshmen to visit the NTU Library.

All in all, the publicity materials were well received by the students. Even the staff from other departments were astonished at the approach that the Library used to advertise itself this year. They were most impressed with the design and the way the library created these collaterals. The Library Student Orientation Committee 2006 was indeed pleased that we have taken this first step of connecting to the freshmen and the staff successfully, and would endeavor to do better in future library marketing programmes.

Contributed by Lynette Wo & Lee Meiyu from NTU Library