Write-up by Hwang Shu Rong, NUS Libraries
Visit to SAFTI Library
On 15 May 2009, 24 participants spent a wonderful afternoon visiting the SAFTI Library. When we arrived, we were warmly welcomed by Ms Kym Loo Gim Hwa, who manages SAFTI Library. We also took this opportunity to mingle and interact with each other.
The programme started off with an introduction of library resources, services and facilities. SAFTI Library has built up a special collection serving the needs of staff and students of the SAFTI Military Institute and members of MINDEF and the SAF. 80% of their collection is on military titles, 10% on leadership and the rest on miscellaneous topics.
Interestingly, this library offers FREE membership to all Singapore citizens and they can borrow a maximum of 4 books for 3 weeks, with 2 renewals. Most of our participants signed up for membership on the spot! J
The library organizes professional talks such as “Viewpoints” every quarter with speakers invited to share their expert experience and knowledge.
This visit to SAFTI Library provided a good opportunity for our participants to mingle with each other and understanding how the library operates. Everyone enjoyed the visit and we left SAFTI feeling enriched. We look forward to more library visits organized by the LAS Programmes and Social Committee.
Contributed by:
Hwang Shu Rong, Librarian, NUS Libraries (June 2009)