Sharing: “Trends from Afar” and “The Institutional Research Rankings’ Landscape through the Eyes of a Library Professional”

25 participants gathered at Singapore Polytechnic Library on Tuesday, 24 Nov 2015, for a sharing session by 2 speakers, Rajen Munoo (Head, Learning Services & Research Librarian, Business, Singapore Management University Libraries) and Ruth A. Pagell (Adjunct Faculty, Library and Information Science Program, University of Hawaii at Manoa)

Rajen shared key learning points and takeaways from the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) World Library and Information Congress (IFLA WLIC) sessions which was held from 15 to 21 August 2015, in Cape Town, South Africa.   He attended the WLIC under the travel grant sponsorship from the Library Association of Singapore (LAS).

He discussed some highlights from the Standing Committee (SC) meetings and sessions, for example, hot topics on research data and scholarly communications, Finnish experience in Information Literacy, Geospatial Literacy, and new models of reference and information services.  He showed participants the interesting snapshots taken from poster sessions which he saw as valuable learning resources from project showcases from across the globe. He also recounted his experience of being an IFLA Volunteer.


Ruth provided insights into the world of global institutional rankings, interpretation on rankings and how to help the participants’ institutions find the rankings and metrics that are best for them. Various aspects of bibliometrics were covered, including the drivers, players and users.


An interesting common thread that both speakers had highlighted is the call for librarians to add value to the profession by getting involved.

Submitted by Edmund Lee, Member, Programmes and Social Committee (LAS)