SMART Libraries for Tomorrow Conference – Call for Proposals


The Library Association of Singapore invite proposals for the Smart Libraries for Tomorrow Conference to be held on Sep 20th 2016 at the Matrix Auditorium@Biopolis.

The conference theme, Smart Libraries for Tomorrow : Disrupt and Innovate, enables the library community to showcase and demonstrate their contributions towards realising Singapore’s Smart Nation vision. The Smart Nation vision, quoting PM Lee Hsien Loong, “strives to create better living for all of us, stronger communities in our society, and more opportunities for all”.

[2nd Revised Call with Deadline extended to: 31 May 2016]

1. We are inviting proposals for papers and posters in all areas that reflect disruption and innovation in libraries including but not limited to
• Applications of Digital Technologies in Libraries
• Capabilities Building, Manpower & Skills Development
• Collections & Access
• Places & Facilities
• Programmes & Outreach
• Services

2. The scope of your presentation can include:
• Proof-of-concept
• Case studies or experiences
• Best practices
• Work- in-progress / Preliminary results of ongoing projects
• Reflection papers

3. Delivery format:
• Paper presentation (10 min), or
• Poster and /or Demos

4. Proposals should include:
• Title
• Abstract (up to 300 words)
• Presenter’s details : Name, email, institution, position, and brief biographical information (about 50 words)

Deadline : All proposals should be emailed to by 23 May 2016 31 May 2016.

Evaluation is based on the abstract and notification of acceptance will be sent by 6 June 2016 10 June 2016.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit full-length papers to Singapore Journal of Library & Information Management.