LAS Online Event: Understanding Dyslexia (12/01/22 @ 3PM)

Dear LAS Community

Join us in the new year as our invited speaker Mr. Steven Sim, shares his expertise on understanding Dyslexia. Steven Sim is a Senior Educational Therapist with Dyslexia Association of Singapore (DAS) since 2015, and is a valuable member of the DAS outreach team in increasing general awareness of dyslexia amongst teachers, parents and the general public.

  • What is Dyslexia?
  • Are there different types of Dyslexia?
  • What are some of the support systems currently available to support dyslexic learners?

If you are interested in finding the answers to these questions and more, join us for the next LAS talk, on the 12th of January, 2022 from 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.


Mr. Steven Sim
Senior Educational Therapist
Dyslexia Association of Singapore

Besides being trained to provide specialist intervention for children with Dyslexia, Steven also has a dual specialisation in PREP 2 PSLE, a Specialised Educational Services program that aims to equip students with skills and strategies to perform well in National Examinations like PSLE.He was awarded the Educational Therapist of the Year 2018 for ‘being a knowledgeable, passionate, professional, caring person and displaying initiative’ and therefore an exemplary role model in the DAS. Steven completed his Post-Graduate Certificate course on Special Education Needs (SEN) in 2017 from the University of South Wales. His interest and passion to garner more knowledge in this specialised field pushed him to continue his studies. Despite the odds and difficult environment in 2020, he completed his Masters in Special Education Needs. His dissertation thesis was entitled “Student voice on teachers’ attributes that resulted in positive learning outcomes for students with SEN in mainstream schools in Singapore”.