LAS Library Visit: NTU Library (25th May 2022 @ 2PM)

Dear LAS Community

Let’s Go, Let’s RECONNECT, Library Visits are Back!!!!

In 2021, NTU Library launched Hygge at Lee Wee Nam Library, a dedicated non-studying wellbeing space for mental relaxation designed to encourage self-expression, self-reflection, and self-care through the experience of calmness and tranquility. Hygge, is currently hosting a multi-sensory exhibition, A Familiar Forest, till 31st May 2022. 

Earlier this year NTU Library also revamped some spaces at the Art, Design and Media Library and launched an enhanced Liber@ADML with flexible, edtech-ready spaces that further support innovative ways of learning and teaching while also facilitating and encouraging interdisciplinary research. This transformation project offers configurable collaborative zones with circadian lighting, cozy AV pods, flexible exhibition showcases and Temi the robot, NTU Library’s inaugural Smart Library Assistant.

Places are limited to 30, so please register early if you are interested. Successful registrants will be notified via email.

Date:                 Wednesday, 25 May 2022
Time:                2pm to 5pm
Enquiries: or