IFLA satellite meeting on Information Technology

This year’s IFLA satellite meeting on Information Technology aims to provide a platform for discussion of deployed services, concepts, and approaches for consuming Linked Data from libraries and other cultural heritage institutions. Under the theme of “user interaction built on library linked data”, this conference brings together a panel of international experts who will share their ideas and experiences through an exciting array of presentation papers, presentation of abstracts and concluding with a panel discussion. Special attention will be given to papers presenting working end user interfaces using Linked Data from both cultural heritage institutions (including libraries) and other datasets. Programme details are available at: http://ifla2013satellite.nlb.sg/it/programme/

Held on 16 August 2013 in Singapore, this conference costs S$40 and is limited to 150 participants. Registration closes on 20 July 2013 or when all places are filled, whichever is earlier. Kindly register online at: http://ifla2013satellite.nlb.sg/it/